Cara Mudah Mengubah Background di PES6

7:24 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.
Hai semua, kali ini ane mau share tentang cara mengubah background pes6 tapi sebelum itu siapin dulu alat tempurnya.
  • Photoshop (versi bebas)
  • GGS (Game Graphic Studio) Kalau blom ada download disini
  • Kitserver Kalau belum ada Downlod disini
Cara masang kitserver (bagi yang udah tau langsung aja turun kebawah):
  1. extract file kitserver yang udah didownload
  2. Pindahkan folder kitserver beserta isinya ke C/ Pro Evolution Soccer 6/ program files/ KONAMI/ Pro Evolution Soccer 6/Paste disini
  3. buka folder kitserver kemudian buka setup
Oke langsung saja :
Pertama lihat dulu map dibawah ini

  • File-file yang terdapat dalam e_text:
000 = Pes6 Logo (at the loading screens)
007 = Option File default Logo's bmp.7 (Edit Mode)
008 = Competition Logos (64x64)
009 = Default & Edit Layers Boot previews
015 = Edit Mode Menu icons/stad preview/League logos
016 = Edit Mode function icons & Background pic
017 = PES/WE challenge teams emblems???????
018-124 = 2d kit previews
125 = 2d kit preview edit mode parts (Player)
126 = 2d kit preview edit mode parts (Keeper)
128 = Formation/Condition Icons
129-149 = Competition logos (64x64)
151 = Tv Logo
152-153 = Loading screen Background
157 = Results icons
158 = Competition logos
159 = African Nations Cup background & Emblem (128x128 )
160 = Copa America background & Emblem (128x128 )
161 = Asia Cup background & Emblem (128x128 )
162 = Euro 2008 background & Emblem (128x128 )
163 = World Cup background & Emblem (128x128 )
164 = Konami Cup background & Emblem (128x128 )
165 = Reebok Challenge background & Emblem (128x128 )
166-170 - Nippon Challenge screens
171 = England League background & Emblems (128x128 )
172 = Ligue 1 background & Emblems (128x128 )
173 = Bundesliga background & Emblems (128x128 )
174 = Eredivisie background & Emblems (128x128 )
175 = International League background & Emblems (128x128 )
176 = Serie A background & Emblems (128x128 )
177 = La Liga background & Emblems (128x128 )
178 = Background pic (Break)
179 = Background pic (D1 Cup)
180 = Background pic (D1 League)
181 = Background pic (D2 Cup)
182 = Background pic (D2 League)
183 = Background pic (ML Off-Season)
184 = Background pic (WEFA Championship)
185 = Background pic (WEFA Masters)
186 = Background pic (Match Start)
187 = Background pic (Final)
188 = Background pic (Final
189 = Background pic (International)
190 = Background pic (Play-offs)
192 = Ball preview
193-283 = Nippon Challenge screens
284 = Mode Icons/ball previews/Cup Emblems
285 = Analysis screen
286 = Challenge start/end screens
287 = Team select World Map
288 = Stage screen (Asia)
289 = Stage screen (Europe)
290 = Stage screen (North/Central/Carribean draw)
291 = Stage screen (Play offs)
292 = Stage screen (South American)
293 = Stage screen (International Cup)
294 = Opening screen (Asia)
295 = Opening screen (Europe)
296 = Opening screen (North/Central/Carribean)
297 = Opening screen (South American)
298 = Main menu icons/ball previews/Competition logos
299 = World map (alpha)
300 = Background & Emblem Asia Qualifiers (512x512)
301 = Background & Emblem European Qualifiers (512x512)
302 = Background & Emblem Kirin Challenge (512x512)
303 = Background & Emblem North/Central/Carribean Qualifiers (512x512)
304-307 = Background & Emblem Play-offs (512x512)
308 = Background & Emblem South American Qualifiers (512x512)
311-339 = League/Cup emblems & backgrounds
340-347 = Cup 2d preview pics
349 = Memory card screen icons/background
350 = Credits screens
351 = Emblems League/Cups
353 = Background pic Controller setup
356 = Main Menu of PES 6 with changing picture
359 = Emblems/logos leagues
360 = Background/icons PES shop
361 = Stadium Previews
362 = 2d kit preview edit mode parts (Player/keeper)
364 = Emblems League/Cups/icons (exhibition mode?????)
366-367 = Choose players controller side/select icons
368 = Cup gallery emblems/backgrounds/
375 = Background pic (Online Mode)
380&382 = Online Mode emblems/icons
386 = JFA MAX/Konami/3 stripes licencse spash screen
387 = Main Menu pic (PRESS START SCREEN)
415 = Training Mode emblems/icons

1. Buka GGS kemudian buka e_text yang ada dikomputermu


2. Kemudian cari file dalam e_text yang akan diganti gambarnya misalkan ane mau ganti background menu ane pilih unknow_oo356.txs. beckup unknow_oo356.txs

3. Klik gambar yang mau diganti terus disave. Gambar yang di save tadi akan dijadikan template.

4. Buka template yang disimpan tadi menggunakan photoshop dan ubahlah mode gambar dari mode index ke RGB setelah itu, buka file gambar yang mau di update backgroundnya


5. Setelah gambar sudah terbuka, drag gambar ke template ( perhatikan tools yang terpilih )

6. Setelah gambarnya udah diatas template, atur ukuranya agar sama dengan templatenya.

7. Setelah gambarnya udah jadi ubah dan save gambarnya ke PNG mode index

 Buka unknow_oo356.txs yang dibackup tadi menggunakan GGS, kemudian buka gambar yang sudah diedit drag ke gambar yang ada dibawahnya ( gambarnya replace otomatis) kemudian keluar dari GGS. Pindahkan unknow_oo356.txs yang udah diedit ke folder e_text  yang ada didalam kitserver 


Ini hasilnya...

Selamat mencoba.. ^_^

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